MagicShowerhead SH1026 7 LED Colors Fading Shower Head

Best "MagicShowerhead SH1026 7 LED Colors Fading Shower Head" For Sale

You are interested in MagicShowerhead SH1026 7 LED Colors Fading Shower Head You come right!! Best MagicShowerhead SH1026 7 LED Colors Fading Shower Head Product is low prices and high quality Guarantee!!

By Brand: MagicShowerhead
Asin Product: B002SVPAMW

*Note: Prices of the product may not be the latest update. You can check latest prices at this button.

"MagicShowerhead SH1026 7 LED Colors Fading Shower Head Reviews"

"MagicShowerhead SH1026 7 LED Colors Fading Shower Head" Description

  • Selfpowered by water pressure only - no battery or electricity required
  • Colors fade in seven different colors
  • Water consumption does not exceed 2.5 Gallon/min at 80psi
  • ABS Chrome
  • Fit to standard shower pipe

"MagicShowerhead SH1026 7 LED Colors Fading Shower Head" Overview

Finish:Chrome MagicShowerhead's philosophy is to bring you fun, easy-to-use, and environmentally friendly product - in the practice of 'green living'. With the continuous development and patented technology in the use of LEDs, they are able to replace the batteries and save water by using the water pressure from your home for illumination. Color your daily shower with this beautiful color combination of 7 different color (white, yellow, orange, red, purple, blue and green) plus intermediate color when the color fade from one to another color. Smooth change from one color to another color. 7 color fading - The color of the LEDs are changing continuously in 7 different color. No battery or cable is required to light up the LEDs. Just Water pressure. Easy installation - just replace your existing showerhead with the MagicShowerhead. No tools required The swivel connector allow you to adjust the direction of t
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