Color Changing LED Shower Head - Temperature Sensitive

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You are interested in Color Changing LED Shower Head - Temperature Sensitive You come right!! Best Color Changing LED Shower Head - Temperature Sensitive Product is low prices and top quality If Order Now Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping!!

By Brand: Unknown
Asin Product: B00286DO3Y

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"Color Changing LED Shower Head - Temperature Sensitive Reviews"

"Color Changing LED Shower Head - Temperature Sensitive" Feature

  • Temperature sensitive LED shower head provides a visual indication of water temperature
  • No batteries are necessary and the energy source is strictly from the water current
  • Material: Chrome coated ABS
  • 3/4" screw diameter fits most standard shower hoses
  • Water flow: Approx 2.5 gallons per minute

"Color Changing LED Shower Head - Temperature Sensitive" Overview

Do you hate stepping into the shower before the water has warmed up? Then you need this! The LED lights in the shower head are powered by the water current (bonus! no batteries needed!) and change color to correspond with the temperature of the water. 3 colors will display depending on the water temperature: * GREEN: <=32C / 90 F * BLUE: 33-41C / 91 - 105 F * RED:42-45 C / 108 - 111 F * FLASHING RED:>46 C / 115 F Your water will glow! Most shower heads just dispense water, this one also provides a nice illuminated shower experience, and saves you from doing the Chilly Water Booty Scoot! Easy retrofit installation, just twist off your existing shower head and replace with the new one. 3/4" screw diameter fits most standard shower hoses. Dimensions: 22cm x 8cm x 5cm (L x W x D) 8.7" x 3.1" x 1.9"

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